Monday, August 14, 2006

That open letter to Tony Blair in full...

Dear Prime Minister

If you change your foreign policy terrorism will go away. We don't know what that policy should be but it will probably have something about withdrawing from Iraq. If we do this then terrorism will ease. However if it doesn't then it will still be your fault for deciding to withdraw from Iraq without finishing the job. We also suggest you pull out of Afghanistan should terrorism continue. However please note that you will officially replace the Soviets as the primary - and only cause - for the problems in the country. As such any further terrorism from there will also be your fault, sorry that's just the way it is.

Basically, if you don't do what we say then it will be your fault when people get hurt. It will also be your fault even if you do do what we say, we'll find a reason when and if the time arises.


The Acquiescing Popular Front

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