Saturday, August 05, 2006

Father "persuaded" to rape daughter

I'm a little lost for words on this one. Is it me or is the headline trying to imply some sort of diverted guilt on the part of the father to someone else? Reading the story it says the "father believed he was chatting online to a nurse named Holly Chadwick". I don't get it, this wasn't his defence was it? Jesus wept.


Ellee Seymour said...

Sick, sick, sick, yuck!

Vote Franco (fdm) said...

Actually I think what Jesus actually said was:

"better a millstone be tied around their necks and they be thrown into the sea"

Chris Palmer said...

What the.

However, if the liberal lobby continues to progress at the current rate, sex with children under 16 will probably be legal in a number of years and potentially incest too.