Monday, August 07, 2006

Ellee Seymour relaunches with Word Press

Quite possibly the First Lady of Tory Blogging, Ellee Seymour, has moved away from Blogger to Word Press. Her new site looks slick and very professional. I realise I recently moaned about Word Press, but I did it from a purely professional geeky perspective. I didn't like what their code did, but that didn't mean it isn't functional.

Congratulations on the new site Ellee.


Ellee Seymour said...

Thanks Dizzy, I saw this post as I was updating my blogroll. I would have liked to have had it all sorted before I launched, but I had to make the most of Geoff's time when he popped over so I just decided to go for it. There are so many wonderful, slick facilities on WordPress, I hope to make the most of them all. Flickr is meant to update my pics at the top of the page as I download them, isn't that neat?

Chris Palmer said...

Does the blogger become too big for their boots when they get their own .com domain? I only ask.

Ellee Seymour said...

Chris, it is free...and fun!

dizzy said...

heheh, I've been thinking of redirecting this site to a .net tld. I want to take over the whole hosting process. I hatre being reliant on other sysadmins.