Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Government plans to censor political memoirs

The Government is planning to stop people writing memoirs that may highlights splits and arguments in Cabinet by forcing Ministers, civil servants, advisors and others officials to sign non-disclosure agreements as a condition of their positions. Any potential publications would have to be vetted first by a committee and sanitised for public consumption. Open Government eat your heart out, it's all so quanitly Soviet.


Anonymous said...

And what about history? Our history is interpreted repeatedly as a time goes on, as more information comes to light and more understanding is found. Historians interpret events very differently as time goes on, and personal accounts are a major part of these re-interpretations. As things unfold, more or less weight is given to a particular person's account.

If we produce memoirs by committee, then we remove an important part of history. We remove the part of personal experience, of opinion and evidence of those there at the time.

We will be in the dark ages again.

Anonymous said...

Well they couldn't have us mere mortals finding out the truth now, could they?